The 12 Traditions Checklist

The 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous Checklist Are you practicing these principles??? Here is a great checklist to make sure we practice the principles of the 12 traditions . *Tradition One: Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon AA unity. 1.Am I in my group a healing, mending, integrating person, or am…

E. M. Jellinek

Elvin Morton Jellinek (1890-1963). was an important figure in the research of alcohol and addiction in the post-prohibition era.  Known as “Bunky” by his close friends, Mr. Jellinek is probably best known as the modern father of the disease concept of alcoholism. His work is still well known and respected with the Jellinek Memorial Fund Award…

My Committee

My Itty Bitty Shitty Committee is meeting and working overtime with their trying and useless chatter and commentary. This powerful inner committee holds their meetings in my head and its members are my fears. They do a lot of talking but not much listening. Some days the committee works nonstop 24/7 telling their opinion. They…