Thoughts, Ponders, Motivations & Inspirations

aka Food For Thought For A Great Day In Sobriety


I believe that through the first six Steps I have gained some knowledge of my character defectsand that I know (at least in part and at times) what I need to get rid of. It is certainly no problem for me to humbly ask my Higher Power to remove them, either.

I never did know what to do with them before. Besides, my pride is the only thing I can swallow that is nonfattening. In fact, this diet seems to reduce the ego and eliminate fatheads –mine, anyhow.

Step Seven simple? Not on your ego!

Reprinted from The Best of the Grapevine (Vol. 2), Page 315, from the Grapevine. Reprinted with permission of The A.A. Grapevine, Inc.

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